# Title
2Left hand lead at head
3Inside guard with left
4Outside guard with right
5Outside guard with left
6Inside guard with right
7Ducking a left lead and countering at...
8Ducking a left lead and countering with...
9The cross-parry
10Right hand cross-counter
11Avoiding right lead and cross-...
12Guarding a left lead and countering...
13Parrying left lead at the body...
14Stopping a left lead from out-...
15Improper left hand lead at the...
16Side stepping a left lead and...
17Stepping inside a left lead and...
18Avoiding a right lead and cross-...
19Guarding right lead at head with...
20Avoiding a left lead at head and...
21Guarding right lead at head...
22Improper position of the feet and...
23Stopping right lead at body and...
24Ducking a right lead at head and...
25Stopping left hand body lead...