Issued by the WEBER BROS, Bakery in Irvington New Jersey. as an insert premium in their brands of PULLMAN & ONIST MILK BREAD. Although there is no know date for these cards it is assumed their were issued in the late 1920's early 1930's time period. This card is from a scarce series of cards entitled, "BUTTERFLIES" and are designated as D20 in Burdick's American Card Catalogue. These cards use the same images as the American Tobacco Company T48 BUTTERFLIES Series that was issued in the 1910 era (you will find that most Weber Bread Card Series from this period used images from earlier issued tobacco sets). Also a set of Tobacco Silks issued in Tokio Cigarettes, and a set of cards issued in Canada By the Harry Horne Jello Company also used the same images. The front of the card features an image of the particular Butterfly being featured, while the back features advertising and mentions that theses cards are found wrapped in with Pullman bread. There are 40 cards in the series.


What I found funny is on the back of the cards it says "Learn to Know the Butterflies" but nowhere on the card you'll find the species' name.