This scarce set was issued by the Krug Baking Company. of New York, as a premium order from. The set is listed as series D49 in the ACC and is titled “Know Americas Defenders” The front of each card feature an illustration of one of The Insignia of the U.S. Army , Marines or Navy. The cards are not numbered, but the front states that there are 180 in the series. The backs of the cards are laid out and meant to be used as order forms for various Krugs products. I imagine this is one of the reason for the scarcity of this series. After these were filled out and picked up by the delivery person most were thrown out. I am unsure of a date of issue but based on the images I speculate these to have been issued sometime between 1940’s World War 2 era. I base this on the military subject and the facts that Krugs issued their Military themed series around this time (those series are dated). Also the fact that there was still product delivery service (similar to the Milkman), indicates that WW2 time period as well.
