This scarce and colorful card is one in a series of 50 Bird cards issued by the Sen-Sen Chicklet Company of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. It should be noted that the Fleer Gum Company owned this company. The series is entitled "Accurate Bird Studies", and is listed as series number E225 in Burdick's American Card Catalogue. Although no guide that I know of list a date of issue I have always assumed it to be in the 1920's era and possible earlier. Each card features a picture of the bird and it's egg on the front of the card. Although these images are every bit as good as Audubon Images, they were in fact done by the artist named Casper Emerson. The back features a brief description of the bird and its habits which was written by W.D. Carpenter a well know ornithologist at the time. The back also tells how one could procure an album that featured all of these bird images free from the company (the album identifies who the artist was and who did the descriptions of the bird).
