This fantastic card was issued as an advertising Premium by the STANDARD BISCUIT COMPANY of San Francisco California U.S.A. to advertise their brand of Paradise Sodas during 1908 the year of the Paris Expo. I believe this series to has not been recorded as I have not been able to find this series listed in any guide that I am aware of (American Card Catalogue, Non Sports Bible, Sports Americana Non Sports ect.). Luckily the card provide a lot of information about the series. According to the front of the card, the series consist of 36 views of the Paris Exposition. Apparently 3 cards were inserted with each package of their Paradise Soda's (so these are true insert cards). The front of the card shows a fantastically detailed illustrated image of one of the Exposition Buildings. Unfortunately there is no indication who did the fantastic lithography for this series. Here is some information I found about the exposition on line: The Exposition Universelle of 1900 was a world's fair held in Paris, France, from April 15 to November 12, 1900, to celebrate the achievements of the past century and to accelerate development into the next. The style that was universally present in the Exposition was Art Nouveau. The fair displayed, in view of over 50 million people, many machines, inventions, and architecture that are now (nearly) universally known, including; escalators, the Eiffel Tower, Ferris wheels, Russian Nesting Dolls, Campbell's Soup, Diesel engines, talking films, and the Telegraphone (the precursor to modern day sound recording). The back of the card has advertising for Standard Biscuit Co.
