These scarce cards are from a series of 66 cards issued in Canada during the Canadian Centennial Celebrations of 1967, by the J. Lyon's & Co. Tea, Coffee, and Soup Packages. . No Guide that I am aware of lists these cards. Each card features a color photographic image of some aspect of Canadian Life from coast to coast in 1967. The backs of the cards identify the image featured on the front, and have advertising for the various Lyons products, written in both French and English. The cards were distributed in different manners for each product. In their Soup Packs their was one card per pack. Their coffee had a two card perforated strip per 1 pound bag. Their tea features 4 sizes of packaging. The 15 bag box had one card in it, the 30 bag box had a perforated strip of 2 cards, the 60 bag box had a perforated strip of 4 cards, and the 120 bag box held a 8 card perforated strip. Their was also an album which you could send away for that was designed to display and collect the cards in.
